Material & Care

Whether you wear our jewelry on daily basis or you only have them for special occasions, we always hope the piece of art you have is taken care of in a right way so their initial luster and brilliance will last.

As a good rule of thumb, it's always recommended to keep all your jewelry dry to prevent tarnish. Exposing to cosmetics, sulfur, sweat, humidity, chlorine, and other strong chemicals can really damage the exterior. It is optimal to take off your jewelry during the following time: 

  • Doing indoor and outdoor chores
  • Doing Exercise
  • Showering, bathing, saunas and swimming
  • Applying skin care products and cosmetics

Besides, here are additional info and advice based on our materials


92.5% Sterling Silver

Our collection of 92.5% sterling silver can give you a lifetime of gleam with the right care. To clean your jewelry, you can follow below: 

  • Put silver cleaner or toothpaste to a jewelry polishing cloth, and rub in one direction several times
  •  Rinse it thoroughly in pure water
  •  Blot dry and store it in a safe and dry box



Our gold-plated jewelry provide you a good option when you're seeking to add a color into your collection. Any plated gold layer will eventually naturally wear off and fade over time and wear, however, with proper and consistent care, the gold-plated layer would last for at least a year or even longer.

  • Gently rub your jewelry with a soft jewelry cloth instead of a polishing cloth to remove dust
  • For extra cleaning, use warm, soapy water and soak it in for about 10 minutes to restore its shine
  • After dry, store like jewelry items together. Don't store gold-plated items with sterling silver. If possible, store each piece of jewelry separately

Freshwater Pearl & Gemstones

Our natural pearl and gemstones are selected of good quality. Each gem contains of mixed chemical compounds and it hold strong power that has positive impact on human body in different ways. Below are the tips to follow:

  • Clean your gemstones with a clean, soft, damp cloth after wearing
  • Avoid rapid temperature changes. A swift change from cold to hot can make stones easy to crack and break
  • Don't gemstones with other jewelry to avoid scratching